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TEL 0258-23-1881
FAX 0258-23-2462

HOKUETSU DENKEN (SHANGHAI) CO.,LTD.English Speaker Available

TEL +86-21-5226-5045
FAX +86-21-5226-5046

User Support

Thank you for purchasing our product. To provide you a quality customer service, please do following three things.

Send Back User Registration Card

In each of our products, a user registration card is enclosed. Fill in the card, and send it back to us. With this card, we can provide you a follow-up service and confirm warranty period for a purchased product when you lose serial numbers. In addition, you can get latest news for our new product and special sale. If you have not registered yet, please fill in and return the card to us.

Inform Details on Malfunctions

When you send us a product to repair, please let us know the details on malfunctions in advance. Even enclosing a memo helps us. With the memo, we can fix a product faster and don't have to charge you extra costs.

Contact within Support Service Time

Support service time is between 9:00 to 12:00, and 13:00 to 17:00 (Except holidays). You can't reach us out of the support service time, so please make sure to contact us within the time.